Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today I learned something about this world of words we authors live in. Sure, I never expected to trot into a place of love and mutual support, but I also never expected to find myself in a nest of badgers! There is a clearly defined line between Traditionally Published Authors and Self-Published Authors, and woe to anyone who crosses that line.

I didn't even know a line existed! Someone could've warned me.

Reading through comments from elitist authors made my blood boil. I couldn't believe there were people out there so willing to look down their nose at Indie Authors and immediately expect them to be snivelling little imbeciles with no talent, no tact and no knowledge of the industry they're trying to break into.

Here I am, an Indie Author without the funds, experience, or visibility to make it into a world she desperately wants to be a part of, and not only do I have to contend with a fiercely vicious market, but I also have to deal with being stereotyped into a group already classed as inferior in every way and thus not worthy of even common decency?

I'm all for letting the work speak for itself. Don't get me wrong. And I know there are some individuals who go on every site imaginable and copy-paste the same book promo into every possible page, often times with bad grammar and no regard for the rules of the forum in question (which I shall not name), but we aren't all like that! Some of us are actually intelligent, caring individuals who don't deserve to be stigmatised because they don't have the backing, visibility or the INTENT to try and get published the traditional way.

Anyway, that's the end of my rant. I don't know if there are others out there who feel the same as I do or have experienced this kind of "classism" first hand. If you have, please comment below and share your story.

For now I'm going to ignore discussion threads, channel my frustration, and - in the words of the legendary Neil Gaiman - make good art.




  1. I haven't experienced this personally, as I'm not published in any form yet. I'm sorry that you have. I posted Twilight - a reference point, on my blog. It's similar. Before I dove heart first into the literary world, I had the fantastical misconception that authors, of any kind, stuck together, and the veteran's encouraged the new-comers. Boy, was I wrong.

  2. I'm glad to have put that part of my experience as a new author behind me, if I'm totally honest. It wasn't a fun time! :-(
